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Read Aloud

Read Aloud

Each experience we encounter in life becomes a story when we share it, whether in the moment or flashback childhood stories…we all have a story to share. Whether we use our own stories, creatively making up stories or read aloud from books, stories are the most powerful tool for education. Read aloud help young children […]

Managing a classroom

Managing a classroom

Working with young children is fun but can be challenging as far as classroom management is concerned. As a preschool teacher it is important to first understand what the child is trying to convey and then manage those actions. As you will see in the list most suggestions revolve around teachers rather than children because […]


Raising a Reader

“Can I watch iPad for 10 minutes?” Its either iPad or TV. But this is the case with most of the kids nowadays. This was the situation I faced when my son was a toddler and screens were a fascination. Being an avid and voracious reader, I had hoped to inculcate the same love for […]

Ways to achieve high levels of classroom productivity

Ways to achieve high levels of classroom productivity

A productive classroom is a happy one! It means that in a productive classroom students take ownership for their learning and are meaningfully engaged. They play an active role in the learning process thereby increasing the overall class productivity. Positive and productive classrooms lead to student’s emotional, social and academicexcellence. Unfortunately, productive classrooms do not […]

Women’s Day Special: Interview with edupreneur Fatima Agarkar

Women’s Day Special: Interview with edupreneur Fatima Agarkar

Celebrated every year on March 8, International Women’s Day marks the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. This year, the theme as declared by the United Nations is “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”. Women’s rights begin with educating the masses and who better than an educationist to show us the way? Fatima […]

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