Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Maxbizz is a values-driven consulting agency dedicated.




411 University St, Seattle


The Bored Teen

The Bored Teen

We all agree that with every generation passing, the new ones that are coming in are a bunch of restless souls. Restless and eager for more, toddlers are brighter, eager to run before they can walk, kids are sharper, curious and have plethora of questions and teens are raging with growth hormones at an age […]

Teaching in a Virtual World

Teaching in a Virtual World

As an educator, I have always valued the advantages that technology brings but I will admit that for the longest time, many of us only spoke about it during educational conferences, discussing about a “volatile” world with many disruptions, ‘VUCA’ as we called it! It was a given that embracing technology and using it as […]

Darkness of the Womb

Darkness of the Womb

What’s going to really happen when we hit June 30th? Bengal has already announced an extension till July 30th restricting travel. Unlockdown1.0 for the rest of the states (notice how these days we do not call it country, we call it state decisions) will be followed with some ‘normalisation’ and then what? Families torn with […]

A New Eduworld Order

A New Eduworld Order

Re-thinking Primary & Middle Years Programs This may be a personal reflection but I have always believed that only a handful of progressive schools have managed to optimise the sheer energy and potential that presents itself with students in Grades 3 and above, right before they hit the business end of the schooling journey – […]

The Great Indian Mess

The Great Indian Mess

Parents have been circulating many messages in their mommie chat groups – first a High Court order from Pakistan (no idea how that would help as a directive in this country?!) and yesterday, urging fellow parents to join in a ‘petition’ with details about the advocate who was happy to receive their calls and factor […]

It has always got to be about children

It has always got to be about children

A crucial part of a child’s learning journey is defined by a secure and supportive home environment irrespective of the emotional turmoil that families may experience from time to time – divorce, financial instability, emotional changes such as death of a family member, mental health challenges, accidents, relocation etc Realms of statistical data archived in […]

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