Start afresh! It’s a new academic year with new hopes and new beginnings – a large part of your success this year will be based on your attitude towards this virtual engagement, and for that you need to be fresh and energised. So get plenty of exercise leading up to this D-Day (and thereafter), regulate […]
There’s not a neighbourhood, a community, or an industry in this country, or for matter, the world that has been spared from Covid19 since January 2020. 2021 as a year for the education industry in particular has been extremely heartbreaking as we pray for many educators who have lost their fight against the deadly virus. […]
Whether it is a fight between friends for a toy or having forgotten their worksheet at home, children of all age groups face different challenges or problems on a daily basis. Good problem solving skills are therefore a key to help them manage their life independently. The role of parents and teachers therefore is not to […]
The uncertainty surrounding school opening (for national board affiliated schools – start is usually June; international schools will commence in July/August and the thousands of preschools) is a guaranteed truth, and despite conversations with local authorities and administration it would be naive to believe that answers can be guaranteed at this point when the country […]
Beyond our control, the external environment has ensured that the children in this country have grown up to maturity levels that are unusual for their age, and in many ways ‘extra ordinary periods of growth’. For starters, their vocabulary includes words like pandemic (for most adults, this word was introduced when WHO declared it as […]
Simply put, cognitive development is a journey of a child who develops skills to explore, evaluate, analyse … essentially “figure things out” independently. The development is a process of knowledge acquisition, embracing and mastering a variety of skills, working out cause-and-effect by learning to solve problems and representation of ideas as they emerge because of […]
Over the past few days, I have been in conversation with senior industry leaders (not only from the education space), and parents (not by design actually) and whether it was pre-planned or happened by chance, different perspectives shared were interesting. While I share them with this blog, I hope it gives us in the education […]
Over the past few days, I have been in conversation with senior industry leaders (not only from the education space), and parents (not by design actually) and whether it was pre-planned or happened by chance, different perspectives shared were interesting. While I share them with this blog, I hope it gives us in the education […]
Parenting comes with its own set of trials and tribulations, and the pandemic appears to have brought out the ‘worst-case’scenarios for some in terms of their relationships with their children, and for many, they have emerged stronger. Often when the variables around change – could be emotional, physical and in many cases financial, the behaviours […]
Since the world and particularly India went into its first lockdown in March 2020, with the obvious school closures as an important fallout, there was another kind of development that was brewing. This was the start of a strain on the the home and school relationship which even at that point seemed to be fragile. […]