Historically, in our schools, sport has been given the title of an extra-curricular or a co-curricular subject, which is encouraged to be graded but often, it’s the ‘period’ in the timetable that gets replaced by a curricular subject in case the ‘portion’ is not completed in time for various reasons. Mind you there are some […]
Your Kids Need To Sleep For Atleast 8 Hours. Otherwise, The Consequences Are Quite Severe. Gone are those days when kids slept by 8 PM and woke up by 7–8 AM the next day. That used to be a full 11–12 hour sleep cycle for thousands and millions of years. Yeah, am not kidding. Literally […]
‘Academic-year-starts’ are crucial periods of transitioning #students from their previous year learning milestones in another grade to their current ones. Even more so with physical classes resuming, these initial 3/4 months or Quarter 1 becomes a huge opportunity for #teachers to rebuild and reboot. Invited to observe processes as part of the ACE Sports Edu […]
With most national curriculum and some international schools back to routines (and thankfully for parents in the physical world), parents whose Monday-Friday schedules are now packed with school drop off and pick up times and classes after school hours to coordinate, find themselves scratching their heads about the weekend. From my experience, it ranges from […]
“My kid runs runs away when I make her sit to write” – Mum whose daughter is 5 years “It’s emotional for me because I cannot get my son to sit in one place and finish his homework which is all demanding written work” – Mommie whose son is 10 years “It’s frankly an uphill […]
“Thank god schools have resumed, and we hope this year there are no breaks with the physical routines because I simply cannot cope with 2 young children at home. And I need to get my life back on track!” “I feel like I have let me kids down because I was overwhelmed with the responsibility. […]
The gradual ‘normalisation’ of school hours for a large majority of national and international schools has been a welcome sign for the community at large including managements, principals and most of all, the teachers, who now can address the learning lags seamlessly (in-person conclusively aids effective understanding of concepts, even clarifications for what students have […]
The alternative to schools being closed on account of the pandemic was virtual learning in India and there is enough discussion surrounding this prolonged closure, so I will not get into that at the moment simply state we are the only country in the world that has had the youngest locked up for this time […]
“A well educated and productive population is crucial for the country’s vision of becoming a vibrant and knowledge based economy,”reads the quote by Sunhw Lee in today’s #indianexpress paper. Agreed #humancapital is the key to developing the future, an article well documented by Dilip Thakore in EducationWorld India’s recent magazine. Which brings to the emergence […]
In conversation with parents in the past few weeks has highlighted the fact that admissions into high schools, entry point – Nursery and Jnr Kg continue to be the stressful times for families. I would have thought the pandemic would have ushered in a new era of how high schools organize the admission process and […]