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411 University St, Seattle


The Great Indian Mess

The Great Indian Mess

Parents have been circulating many messages in their mommie chat groups – first a High Court order from Pakistan (no idea how that would help as a directive in this country?!) and yesterday, urging fellow parents to join in a ‘petition’ with details about the advocate who was happy to receive their calls and factor […]

It has always got to be about children

It has always got to be about children

A crucial part of a child’s learning journey is defined by a secure and supportive home environment irrespective of the emotional turmoil that families may experience from time to time – divorce, financial instability, emotional changes such as death of a family member, mental health challenges, accidents, relocation etc Realms of statistical data archived in […]

Read Aloud

Read Aloud

Each experience we encounter in life becomes a story when we share it, whether in the moment or flashback childhood stories…we all have a story to share. Whether we use our own stories, creatively making up stories or read aloud from books, stories are the most powerful tool for education. Read aloud help young children […]


Raising a Reader

“Can I watch iPad for 10 minutes?” Its either iPad or TV. But this is the case with most of the kids nowadays. This was the situation I faced when my son was a toddler and screens were a fascination. Being an avid and voracious reader, I had hoped to inculcate the same love for […]

Women’s Day Special: Interview with edupreneur Fatima Agarkar

Women’s Day Special: Interview with edupreneur Fatima Agarkar

Celebrated every year on March 8, International Women’s Day marks the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. This year, the theme as declared by the United Nations is “I am Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Rights”. Women’s rights begin with educating the masses and who better than an educationist to show us the way? Fatima […]

Home-School Partnerships

Home-School Partnerships

Our progress as a society in the past few decades has seen a huge transformation in terms of expectations and also, aspirations, as we nurture the 21st century learner for a future that we surely know little about today. This is simply attributed to the fact that the pace of evolution in the last 50 […]

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