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Everything ain't perfect!

Everything ain’t perfect!

Parenting comes with its own set of trials and tribulations, and the pandemic appears to have brought out the ‘worst-case’scenarios for some in terms of their relationships with their children, and for many, they have emerged stronger. Often when the variables around change – could be emotional, physical and in many cases financial, the behaviours […]

4 C’s for School Leaders

4 C’s for School Leaders

For the upcoming ACE Leadership Workshops for Heads of Schools, as a team of educators, we have narrowed down key skills that leaders will need to focus on as they conclude a year of lockdown and new normal. The road ahead will be peppered with new challenges, and the past 10 months are simply indicative […]

Decisive Weeks Ahead for K-12?

Decisive Weeks Ahead for K-12?

Was an interesting question raised by a fellow educator in a webinar on Saturday about school opening in India and why as a country, we ‘restricted’ the urge to open with the ‘start-again’ procedures post lockdown when the rest of the world seemed to operationalise much earlier. By August/September many schools world over were open […]

Balancing Physical World & Online

Balancing Physical World & Online

As the Centre gives a go ahead, at least 7 States are gearing up to welcome high school students – Grades 9 to 12 back to campus with all the social distancing, sanitation protocols in place. Considered the ‘business end’ of life for a student’s academic journey before University transition, the grades culminate into those […]

Balancing Physical World & Online

Year of Opportunities

The last 3 days have reported that in many cities world-over, and many states in India school closure after re-opening is inevitable, or continued school closure for the year (depending on which part of the world or country you reside in), although pre-Diwali in India, there was hope that the High schoolers (Grades 9 to […]

Should We or Should We Not?

Should We or Should We Not?

We’ve heard from the Ministry of Home Affairs clearing the path to commence K-12 in the physical world post October 15th, 2020 and with that single announcement created a flutter given that different States would use their discretion and understanding of their numbers or cases, medical capabilities to decide if and when they would create […]

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