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Leadership Mentoring

A 2 Day Leadership Mentoring is conceptualised as a result of several requests from school leaders and it specifically designed for future focused SCHOOL LEADERS who care about making an impact and taking their school to the next level. Our aim is to bring the theories alive, enable participants to contextualize and apply strategies shared in relevance to their schools and remain future-ready and focused

The module titles are as below: Leading a Future Focused School Empowering a 21st Century Team Managing Complexity and Conflicts Planning-Learning for the Future Day One will lay the foundation, getting school leaders to identify their leadership styles, and recognize that evolving their attitudes and skills in these exponential changing times would be crucial. Participants will be taken through the difference between leadership and management and importance of being risk takers that inspire and not simply manage routine tasks. Day One will also focus on a critical aspect of every school’s journey –managing conflicts and complexities.

The goal here is to transform conflict and complexity into collaboration. Day 2 will address the elements of a high performance team what it takes to be a part of such a team and how does on ride the store to creative more opportunities for students and more empowerment for themselves. Towards the end of Day 2, participants will be able to chart their path ahead for the year with an eye for 2040. This mentoring is meant for school principals, vice- principals, school coordinators and head of department.

“I learnt a new recipe for leadership with a twist- mix of ingredients in proper proportions to make us future focused leaders, validate our own practices, build a powerful team with whatever we have and garnishing them with 21st century skills. As we start the new academic year with this new formula, we know our  teachers, parents and children will be at the receiving end of some great suggestions and we lead this incredible clarity thanks to Fatema Agarkar and her team..” Massarat Tavawalla, Director sundarjis global academia, pune
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